Verified OGs
Data by Etherscan
Market Cap


OG Rank: 26
Market Cap Rank: 4 ($84.94B)

Binance Smart Chain is a smart contract platform backed by Binance. BNB is the native token of BSC and Binance exchange... Learn More

GMCI 30 Index GMCI Layer 1 Index
BNB Price


24h 1.73%
7d -2.04%
All time low ($0.0398177)
($717.48) All time High

OG Score

Based on 2 OG evaluation




OGAudit Evaluation Points

Use Case & Tech

Use Case & Tech

Is this web3 project innovative and offers a unique solution to a problem that outperforms its competitors? Is the product or service as useful, fast and inexpensive as advertised? How robust is this network/contract and are there up-to-date technical audit reports from various reputable auditors? Was the network/contract halted before? Have there been any serious hack or exploits? If so, were the victims adequately compensated?
Promising and Growing

Promising and Growing

How realistic are the team's vision, mission, and goals? Does the team have a clear roadmap and consistently fulfill their promises? Can the team adapt to market changes and meet user demands?
Revenue Model

Revenue Model

Does the project have sustainable and diversified revenue income models? Additionally, does it possess sufficient resources to sustain its operations in the medium to long term?
TVL & Liquidity

TVL & Liquidity

Is the TVL (Total Value Locked) or staked assets on the platform at a sufficient rate compared to the market cap? Note: High TVL or staked assets generally indicate trust in the ecosystem or the smart contract. If there is a token, is there sufficient liquidity and volume in DeFi and CEX?
Tokenomics, Utility

Tokenomics, Utility

What is the token circulation ratio to maximum supply? What is the impact of mining, staking, and LP incentives on token inflation? Is the vesting schedule evenly spread over multiple years? What is the ratio of tokens held by the team and whales? Note: High inflation, low circulating supply, and significant whale/team token holdings are main reasons for low ratings.
Community & DAO

Community & DAO

Does the team value and prioritize community input and use on-chain voting for decisions? Is decision-making equitable, or do the whales have undue influence? Are diverse and local communities well-supported, with emphasis on quality interactions over quantity? Has there been a large-scale airdrop for the community?
Team & Partners

Team & Partners

Are the core team members experienced and transparent, or are they anonymous? Is the team large enough and experienced compared to similar projects, and are they actively recruiting new talent? Are partnerships strong and conducive to industry advancement? Does the ecosystem have growth potential?
Education and Support

Education and Support

Are there sufficient, clear, and up-to-date materials about the product/service in the webpage/whitepaper and community channels? Do they regularly share news/updates and host AMA sessions? Is the user retention rate high, are they professional and solution-oriented in terms of user support?
Marketing / Socials

Marketing / Socials

Are social media and marketing strategies effective and sustainable? Do they organize entertaining, educational, and rewarding events and campaigns? Can they create and spread quality viral content? Is their social media presence organic, or the follower count, and post engagements are manipulated by bots?
Gem Scope

Gem Scope

Considering all the points you have evaluated, especially the market cap, what is the potential of this project to be considered a 'gem'?
Use Case & Tech

Use Case & Tech

Is this web3 project innovative and offers a unique solution to a problem that outperforms its competitors? Is the product or service as useful, fast and inexpensive as advertised? How robust is this network/contract and are there up-to-date technical audit reports from various reputable auditors? Was the network/contract halted before? Have there been any serious hack or exploits? If so, were the victims adequately compensated?
Promising and Growing

Promising and Growing

How realistic are the team's vision, mission, and goals? Does the team have a clear roadmap and consistently fulfill their promises? Can the team adapt to market changes and meet user demands?
Revenue Model

Revenue Model

Does the project have sustainable and diversified revenue income models? Additionally, does it possess sufficient resources to sustain its operations in the medium to long term?
TVL & Liquidity

TVL & Liquidity

Is the TVL (Total Value Locked) or staked assets on the platform at a sufficient rate compared to the market cap? Note: High TVL or staked assets generally indicate trust in the ecosystem or the smart contract. If there is a token, is there sufficient liquidity and volume in DeFi and CEX?
Tokenomics, Utility

Tokenomics, Utility

What is the token circulation ratio to maximum supply? What is the impact of mining, staking, and LP incentives on token inflation? Is the vesting schedule evenly spread over multiple years? What is the ratio of tokens held by the team and whales? Note: High inflation, low circulating supply, and significant whale/team token holdings are main reasons for low ratings.
Community & DAO

Community & DAO

Does the team value and prioritize community input and use on-chain voting for decisions? Is decision-making equitable, or do the whales have undue influence? Are diverse and local communities well-supported, with emphasis on quality interactions over quantity? Has there been a large-scale airdrop for the community?
Team & Partners

Team & Partners

Are the core team members experienced and transparent, or are they anonymous? Is the team large enough and experienced compared to similar projects, and are they actively recruiting new talent? Are partnerships strong and conducive to industry advancement? Does the ecosystem have growth potential?
Education and Support

Education and Support

Are there sufficient, clear, and up-to-date materials about the product/service in the webpage/whitepaper and community channels? Do they regularly share news/updates and host AMA sessions? Is the user retention rate high, are they professional and solution-oriented in terms of user support?
Marketing / Socials

Marketing / Socials

Are social media and marketing strategies effective and sustainable? Do they organize entertaining, educational, and rewarding events and campaigns? Can they create and spread quality viral content? Is their social media presence organic, or the follower count, and post engagements are manipulated by bots?
Gem Scope

Gem Scope

Considering all the points you have evaluated, especially the market cap, what is the potential of this project to be considered a 'gem'?


Latest OG Reviews
High Ratings
Critic Wallet No:xxxx-766d3
03/07/2024 19:13
BNB @ $556.54
BSC Binance Smart Chain is a highly centralized "blockchain" for many early dApps. $BNB Can be held for Binance Exchange perks.
CryptoApe Wallet No:xxxx-5f294
09/05/2024 10:46
BNB @ $599.07
Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which has grown thanks to the Binance Exchange and CZ, hosts many decentralized applications. The token $BNB can be used to pay BSC transaction fees and also can be used in various producst and discounts on Binance Exchange. Thank you for facilitating the rapid expansion of the Web3 and DeFi ecosystem CZ and Binance. However, I must point out that it still is a highly centralized network with ~20 validators :(
Low Ratings

BNB Price


Price Statistics

BNB Price $582.5

24h Low / 24h High $565.03 / $ 586.53

Market Cap Rank #4

Market Cap $ 84.94 B

Circulation Supply $ 145.89 M

Total Supply $ 145.89 M

Max Supply $ 200.00 M

All Time High $ 717.48

All Time Low $ 0.0398177

ICO/IDO Price 0

BNB Markets

Exchange Pair Og Score TBA 24h Volume

About Project

What is BNB (BNB)?

Binance, launched in July 2017, stands as the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange based on its daily trading volume. Its aim is to elevate cryptocurrency exchanges to the forefront of global financial activity.
Beyond its status as the leading cryptocurrency exchange globally, Binance has introduced an entire ecosystem of functionalities for its users. This network includes Binance Smart Chain, Binance Academy, Trust Wallet, and Research projects, all utilizing blockchain technology to usher in modern-age finance. BNB plays a pivotal role in the successful operation of many of Binance's sub-projects.
BNB Chain is a public, open-source blockchain that strives to offer scalable smart contract support for decentralized applications. It pursues this objective through a modular design and scaling solutions. BNB Chain encompasses a multichain framework—the BNB Smart Chain, Beacon Chain, BNB Sidechain, and BNB ZkRollup.
Binance Coin (BNB) serves as the native digital asset of the Binance ecosystem, encompassing the Binance cryptocurrency exchange and BNB Chain. Initially created as a utility token for discounted transaction fees on the exchange, BNB has evolved into a versatile cryptocurrency with a wide array of applications and a growing market value.
BNB started as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain during its initial ICO in July 2017, later transitioning into the native currency of the Binance Chain. This shift brought various advantages such as advanced scalability and higher transaction speeds.
Binance incentivizes users to utilize BNB in their trading activities. Additionally, through regular token burns, Binance permanently eliminates a portion of the BNB supply, potentially enhancing scarcity and supporting its value over time.

What is unique about BNB (BNB)?

BNB stands out for its versatile utility within the expansive Binance ecosystem, transitioning from an ERC-20 token to a native currency of Binance Chain, offering advantages like scalability and faster low-fees transactions.

Who are the founders of BNB (BNB)?

BNB was created within the Binance ecosystem, founded by Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the CEO of Binance.

Who are the backers/investors of BNB (BNB)?

BNB has garnered support and investment primarily from the community of Binance users and the Binance team, and a couple of major VCs, led by Changpeng Zhao.

What is the consensus mechanism of BNB (BNB)?

BNB operates within the Binance Chain, which utilizes a proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism to validate transactions and maintain the network.

Where can I buy BNB (BNB)?


What are BNB (BNB) user reviews/opinions?

OGAudit is the first independent social audit platform for web3 projects and cryptocurrencies. Here you can find comprehensive crypto evaluations, ratings, unbiased and objective expert user reviews. There may be positive, negative, and neutral evaluations based on experts' experience and perspective with the product or the service about each cryptocurrency like BNB BNB. To access these ratings, evaluations, and comments, click here.

How to mine BNB (BNB)? How can I stake BNB (BNB)?

BNB is not mineable. It started as an ERC-20 token on Ethereum but has transitioned to its own blockchain within the Binance ecosystem, and mining does not play a role in its distribution or validation.

There may be different staking options available such as to participate in DAOs, decentralized governance and for revenue sharing. Please watch out for scams. Only consider staking options promoted on the official website of the project and advised partners. Please click here to see the official links and make sure to follow the latest instructions.

What is the circulating, max supply and market cap of BNB (BNB)?

This data is dynamic and varies depending on the number of tokens that are being vested/vesting, removed from circulation because of network transactions or burned permanently and staking reward distribution mechanism. According to self-declared data the circulating supply of  BNB (BNB) is ($145,887,575), max supply of BNB  BNB is ($200,000,000) and the market cap of BNB  BNB is ($84,943,223,348)

What is the BNB (BNB) price prediction?

Predicting prices in the crypto market is highly speculative and can't be definitively stated. Various factors drive price movements such as macroeconomics, Bitcoin ($btc) and crypto market overall behavior, on-chain activity, whale positionings, growth potential of the project etc. We cannot give any price predictions nor financial advice, but you can look at our comprehensive data, expert user reviews and decide if the product suits your needs! Please do your own research DYOR!

What is the price of BNB (BNB)?

The current market price of BNB (BNB) is $582. As the OGAudit community we mainly focus on features such as use cases, product development, and sustainable growth. However, we also provide real-time market data and coin/token statistics, analytics, price history for popular altcoins. see here.

Is BNB (BNB) a good investment?

It is important to do comprehensive research before deciding whether BNB (BNB) or any other cryptocurrency is a good investment. We believe you should ask each of these questions before deciding to invest or make partnerships with any crypto project:

Is this type of digital asset considered legal in your country?

Does Coin (BNB BNB) solve a good problem or offer the best solution?

Do products and services work effectively, and solutions are scalable?

Does the team have a realistic roadmap and can catch up with it?

Does BNB (BNB) have reasonable and sustainable revenue income models?

Can the team market their products and services well?

How decentralized is the governance and how strong is the community?

Has it reached its fair market value yet?

Does the coin/token have enough trading pairs and liquidity?

As the OGAudit community crypto experts, we evaluate crypto projects by asking each of these questions and more, to provide objective and reliable comments and ratings for the end-user, investors, and institutions. By carefully considering these reviews, ratings, and price action, you can decide whether BNB (BNB) is a good crypto to invest in or not. To access these evaluations and ratings please click here . The OGAudit experts are the largest, most experienced, and elite users in the crypto space. However, keep in mind that the scores, expert reviews and comments on our platform are OGAudit users’ personal views and meant for educational purposes only. None of the information we publish on our website contains any investment advice and should not be perceived as such. Always -DYOR- do your own research well.



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If you think that your personal or corporate rights have been violated due to any content published on our platform, please send the link and screenshot of the content to [email protected] . Your request will be carefully revised by our lawyers, and we will get back to you asap.

OGAudit is a collective movement of the crypto OG community. OGAudit has no affiliation with VCs, exchanges, or other entities. It was founded and funded by the Chief OG in 2023 and has been built by a handful of crypto enthusiasts, researchers, web developers, and community leaders.

We have seen many bears and bulls, been to the moon and back, been rug-pulled at times but did not give up, and are devoted to making web3 accessible to everyone in the most secure way.
